Twins and their big sister on their 1st birthday (end of the day which is why they look shattered) |
Where has the year gone, I can't believe this time a year ago I was recovering in hospital after having one twin naturally and one by emergency c-section!
The twins have been an absolute joy and so very laid back, they have slotted into our hectic lives amazingly well, and, apart from a few awful nights due to ear infections it has been pretty much plain sailing.
Both me & my husband work full time but have an amazing child minder who has them 4 days a week and an amazing mum who has them one day a week. Apart from one incident at my mums involving twin boy, a fake fireplace and some coal (ending up over pink carpet), they both enjoy looking after the twins.
The twins are so mischeavious and definitely look to each other for encouragement to be naughty. We've had clothes pulled out of the washing machine, items put in the washing machine, stair gates opened, cupboards emptied, speakers knocked over and tv hit with various objects!!
Both twins adore their older sister Jasmine (7) particularly chasing her round the house. What's more Jasmine is so helpful to have around, running upstairs for nappies and wipes or keeping the twins amused while I tidy up!
For their 1st birthday we ummed and ahhhed about what to do, big party with everyone, small party with family or a day out at a farm. We opted for the small party at home with family and had a lovely day with the twins being thoroughly spoilt!
Far too much food leftover so know I will be eating cake and pizza for the next week! Not great for the waistline, I'm a bridesmaid in June so need to diet soon!!
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